
【看英文中國郵報學英文】台灣女婿「吳鳳」13日在YouTube頻道上分享了五個他認爲台灣世界第一,也透露為何自己要用土耳其語做這個節目。Rifat, a Turkish YouTuber living in Taiwan, posted a video on Feb. 13 in which he listed five things that make Taiwan the cream of the crop, while also sharing the reasons why he is using his mother language to promote Taiwan.影片剛開始時,吳鳳先分享了一個最近在土耳其很紅的影片。Rifat first shared a popular video that has been circulating among the Turkish community lately.一位台灣男生背著一個發光LED包包,打出「我不是中國人。我是台灣人。我願意為土耳其犧牲」字眼。In the video, a Taiwanese man is seen wearing a backpack with LED words running: ‘I’m not Chinese. I’m Taiwanese. I’m willing to sacrifice myself for Turkey.’吳鳳分享當年他拿到台灣獎學金要來讀書時,朋友們都以為他要去位於土耳其東部的塔特萬當兵。Rifat then explained that many of his friends thought that he was going to Tatvan (a small city in eastern Turkey) when he told his friends that he had received a scholarship to study in Taiwan.讓他發現很多土耳其人不知道台灣實在太可惜了,於是決定以自己的母語好好介紹台灣,讓大家不要再搞混了。This made him realize that Taiwan is a place worth knowing so he decided to take it upon himself to introduce it to the people back home.吳鳳列出台灣公司ACER, Asus, Giant, Gigabyte等,表示台灣經濟很強,在生產晶片、LED生產量皆為全球第一。Rifat listed many companies founded in Taiwan or by Taiwanese, including ACER, Asus, Giant and Gigabyte. He said that Taiwan’s economy is pretty strong and that many microchips and LEDs are made in Taiwan.他也提到台灣的行政民主,介紹現任總統蔡英文,也分享了台灣許多好玩景點。He also mentioned that Taiwan is a democratic society, and besides introducing Taiwan’s president, Tsai Ing-Wen to the audience, he also listed several fun attractions in Taiwan for people who want to travel.第三點讓吳鳳大大讚嘆地為台灣的醫療和健保。他甚至拿出NUMBEO數據證明台灣健保制度為世界第一,在影片中分享台灣健保卡功能。The YouTuber also praised the medical and health care system in Taiwan. He pulled out NUMBEO’s statistics to show that Taiwan’s health care system is ranked number one worldwide, and also shared the applications of National Health Insurance (NHI) cards.最後,吳鳳指出台灣回收很有趣,垃圾車還會放古典音樂。台灣也有非常良好的治安管制。Toward the end of the video, Rifat pointed out another interesting thing about Taiwan’s recycling system:  garbage trucks play classical music.  In addition, he mentioned that Taiwan is a relatively safe place to live in.在台居住超過13年的他,不曾一次看到街上有人鬧事。He revealed that in the 13 plus years that he’s lived in Taiwan, he has never seen a brawl on the streets.吳鳳對台灣的愛讓許多網友稱讚:有這為土耳其女婿是台灣社會福氣。Rifat’s love for Taiwan had online users commenting that having him in Taiwan is a great honor.    更多 ChinaPost 新聞 今年首例「傷寒」高雄市 菲籍移工 現已康復並持續追蹤|Filipino migrant contracts typhoid fever in Kaohsiung 台灣女婿帶路 探訪台北最正宗的爵士樂酒吧|U.K. Saxophonist takes you to the best Jazz bars in Taipei 日本超神訂製口罩爆紅 可重複使用100次 記憶臉型防脫妝 | Japan face masks are a lifesaver for one more reason

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